
Developing Dads: Leading a Life of Legacy

Written by Trent Presley | Oct 14, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Who am I to think I could be a published author, to write a book of any kind, and to think anyone would actually want to read it if I did? I asked myself all of those questions and then I realized - those questions have their origin in fear, and as a man of Christ, what do I really have to fear? That opening quote is the one sentence summary of my book, and it only begins to scratch the surface. 

At first glance, you might think this book is for dads. And you would be right! But it was designed for so much more than that. The purpose of this book is to help you grow and learn. To inspire you and motivate you. To make you think, to make you laugh, even to make you cry. To provoke thoughts and plans that maybe you haven’t considered before and blaze a path forward, growing closer to those you love most in your lives and deepening your relationship with the Lord. It is a book about parenting and leadership and the nuances that tie these together. No matter your title—Dad, Mom, Husband, or Wife, or those who one day aspire to be any of these—this book is for you! 

Why write this book? The simple answer is that I felt the Lord leading me down this path, but as in most areas of my life, I pushed back for years before I finally relented and embarked on this journey. Do I want to gain fame and riches from this book - nah, not really. Rather, it is my prayer that my wife and kids have this cool keepsake, a rendering of parts of our lives together, and in the process maybe, just maybe, someone will pick up this book and find that their life is touched and changed by the message of both salvation and legacy portrayed within. 

I am a storyteller. Not a liar mind you, rather a storyteller, just ask anyone who really knows me. It has been said that nothing is more powerful than the impact of a story, and I tend to agree with that sentiment. This book starts as a storybook - funny stories, touching stories, challenging stories - all to nudge you toward the recollection of similar stories you have lived within your own life. I often say, we should all lead lives worth telling stories about. Are you doing this? If not, why not, and what is holding you back? As the book progresses, it transitions from storytelling to an instruction manual, and on to a leadership guide, all wrapped up into one little package. I invite you to learn from my mistakes so that hopefully you can avoid some of those same pitfalls. Many are telling me they are reading this with their wife, others are wives that are reading it ahead of their husbands, while others are either looking back and wanting to improve for their grandkids, or looking ahead to the day as a young couple where they will embark on possibly a similar journey as me and my family. 

The forward of this book is written by my son, and that is at the same time both humbling and fills my heart with pride. His words are touching and encouraging, sort of in line with the entire book! Face it, being a Dad is tough. At least it is if we try to do it the right way. We probably fail more often than we win, but those wins are oh so sweet. Today’s culture diminishes the impact of a strong Dad figure, so for those of us that refuse to bow to that, let’s bond together and fight like a man! Our wives and our kids deserve that and more, and you just might inspire your following generations to follow suit. What a wonderful race to run!

"Take a whimsical, intentional peek behind the curtain of Trent’s life as a dad, seeing glimpses of his life when things went right and when things didn’t necessarily go as planned. As mentioned, Developing Dad is a storybook, an instruction manual, a bit of an autobiography, and a comedic review all rolled into one, with the overarching goal to point you to Christ and the beauty of a life lived within Him. Join me on this never ending journey to a place where we honor our Lord and those we love most, with they thought in mind that we never actually arrive. But oh, what a ride! +

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” —Jeremiah 29:11 


Trent Presley is a full-time husband, full-time father, full-time believer, and part-time idiot. He constantly strives to be a better version of himself and attempts to lead others through inspiration and encouragement. He received his BS and M.Ed. from Union University in Jackson, TN, and he earned a verified certification in Entrepreneurship from the Harvard School of Business. 

He serves as a business development leader in the post-acute healthcare space and has been blessed to not only find success but befriend countless people along the way who have positively impacted his life. Trent is a voracious reader and believes that we never truly “arrive” as a parent or a leader, so seeking to continuously learn and grow are academic priorities. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at Union University in Entrepreneurship, as well as coaching a high school tennis team on the side. 

His hope is that by taking the time to read the antics, mistakes, stories, successes, and failures outlined in this book, that you will find yourself inspired to keep on trying. Always keep trying…

Find Developing Dad: Living a Life of Legacy on Amazon.