
Fun Family Activities

Written by Chris Harper | Jun 24, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Summer is in full swing now!  Your kids are out of school and it's a great time to focus on the family relationships.  Use this time to hang out with the kids, get to know them better and fill their emotional tanks.  Spiritual formation happens in the context of relationships - so time spent together provides more time to influence your children for God.  Don't miss it.

Research also shows us that screen time is detrimental to their mental health.  Don't let summer be  eight hours a day looking at their phone - but use these days to strengthen your family bonds.   Here are ten ideas to turn this summer into one of family fun.

- Plan a pizza bar night.  Have individual pizza crusts and bowls with different ingredients.  Let everyone design their own pizza, and pick out a family movie to stream while they are all cooking.  Have everyone put their phones on the kitchen counter and snuggle into eat pizza and watch a movie together.

- Start a scripture memory club.  Find verses for the entire family to memorize weekly and place them on bathroom mirrors and the refrigerator.  Have everyone work on them all week and recite them each week.  Help them understand that knowing the Bible is important and impacts their lives.

- Have a weekend Camp In. Don't let the hot weather keep you from camping: camp in the living room.  Drag your mattresses into the living room and make blanket forts.  Read our children's book together and spend time playing games before sleeping over in the living room.

- Help the children cook dinner one night.  Plan a simple meal like spaghetti or grilled cheese sandwiches and have the children cook dinner.  Not only will this give the parents a break (sort of!) but teaches them what it takes to run the household.  Have them serve the parents.

- Have a summer reading club.  If your students have summer reading for school, make it a family event and have everyone read the book.  Discuss it over dinner and demonstrate that you are interested in their education and growth.  If your kids don't have summer reading, pick a classic and read it together.

- Find a ministry to assist during the summer.  Find a local food bank, homeless shelter or other ministry and see how you can serve.  Sort clothes, help with a food drive or simply offer to clean their buildings.  Help you children gain perspective on God's blessings and how they can serve others for Christ. 

- Host a family Game Night. cook a simple meal and host a family game night.  Have two or three options suitable for your age, and then spend time playing and talking.  Keep score or don't keep score - the point is to spend time together!

- Have a water balloon fight!  Beat the heat with a family water balloon fight!  Invite your neighbors if you want,   Order this kit and let your kids see you have fun with them.  The best bonding happens over fun, so don't worry about the yard and start throwing balloons.  Order a kit of 999 quick fill balloons here.

- Work a summer puzzle.  Pick a puzzle to work on all summer and spend time weekly as a family.  Use the time around the table to talk and listen.  Working together can help you grow closer, and the conversation can provide opportunities to listen, advise and teach.

- Host a weekly family devotion time.  Pick a night that works for everyone, and start a summer devotion time.  Rotate leadership: you and your spouse lead weeks as well as each of the kids.  It can be short and age-appropriate, but help them develop the skills to read, share and teach.

Take advantage of the time you're given this summer and make it a summer to remember.