Every year, my friends at the American Bible Society produce the State of the Bible, a research and practitioner piece that correlates habits, culture, and God’s Word. It is one my fav and top reads [if you lead men, a church, a business, or your home, you should be reading this every year].
This year, after months of research and national interviews/surveys, they discovered the Movable Middle: a group of 65 million American adults who are open to the message of the Bible, curious to know more about what it says, and interested in learning more about King Jesus.
The ABS has labeled these Americans as "Bible test drivers," men and women who are willing to give the Bible a chance. Because these folks are open and leaning in, they represent a tremendous opportunity for the Church at large.
The Movable Middle has five basic characteristics:
1. They are interested in the Bible on their own terms. In other words, they have questions, and they’re open to considering the Bible’s wisdom for their lives.
2. They struggle with the language and culture of the Bible. Their cultural and historical distance from the Ancient Near East makes it challenging for them to understand the Bible’s wisdom and apply it to a modern context.
3. They prefer modern-language translations of the Bible because these are more accessible to them.
4. They need a guide and welcome the church to help them find what they’re looking for in Scripture and apply it to their situation.
5. They want to emulate a heritage of faith. Often, they are related to or acquainted with someone they see as a "Bible person" in a way that they admire. They long to become more like that Bible person, but they don’t know where to start.
Brothers, pay special attention to #4 and #5. Our communities are full of Bible curious men, and they are in need of a guide—they are looking to look up to someone with a heritage of faith.
That someone is YOU.
Men often ask me, where do I start with the next generation? The first and best thing you can do for young millennial, Gen Z, or Gen Alpha men is sit down and help them navigate the Bible. It will change their life, and improve yours in the process.
It starts with an invitation. Find a young man [or group of men] and ask him [them] if he [they] want to read scripture with you. You probably already have an existing relationship that has needed to go deeper. Now is the time.
Pick a day/time to get together. 1x weekly for an hour is more than enough.
When you get together, offer to buy coffee, every time. Every now and then, when the young gun[s] offer to pay, let 'em. They want to honor you.
Pick a book of the Bible to walk through. Take it a few chunks at time. You don’t have to rush through. Wide is not always better. Go deep. Practice inductive study, each week, ask the same questions, come ready to discuss:
What did the Scriptures…
Say about God?
Say about me?
Was there a principle to pay attention to?
Was there a promise to cling to?
Was there a sin to be aware of, a sin I should avoid?
This morning I met with 5 young men and, for an hour, we walked through Genesis 37 together. It was incredible. Tomorrow we will meet and walk through chapters 38 and 39. Everyone reads 5 or 6 verses and we have a guided conversation. Most mornings I just listen. A 'master teacher,' most mornings I am the one learning. I personally invited each of these young men. They were/are eager to show up [I’ve attached the plan we walk through, below].
Some of you men reading this have Bible degrees. Most of you attend Bible preaching/teaching churches where you’ve been feeding on the Word for YEARS. We all have access to quality teaching and resources. No matter our Bible 'pedigree,' our Scripture cup is full [or should be]. It is time we start spilling out on others.
I am praying the Spirit of Philip on an entire generation…
And Philip asked, "Do you understand what you are reading?"
The young man replied, "'How can I, unless someone guides me?' And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him."
Be a guide. Is there a young person in your life can you start reading the Bible with? Call or text them today. You'll both be better for it.
Practicing What I Preach,
— Harp