BetterMan Explore

A 3-week study for men who desire a better understanding of the Christian faith.

A message to BetterMan Explore leaders:

BetterMan Explore is a 3-week, one-on-one or one-to-few, discipleship study that helps men better understand the Christian faith. It’s designed as a follow-up resource to the BetterMan Core 11-week Study to connect you, a spiritually grounded Christian man, to men at your table looking for additional spiritual guidance and instruction in the Christian faith. 

BetterMan Explore is a resource to help you, as a mentor, equip men in the Christian faith regardless of where they are in their journey. Men of questioning faith, or no faith, need this kind of personal help and encouragement to fill the spiritual gaps in their lives. This kind of support can be transformational and life-altering! 

BetterMan Explore is easy to use. There are 3 weekly videos and a workbook guide that covers 3 basic and fundamental spiritual topics every man needs to know about: the Bible, Jesus and salvation, and living the Christian life.


Session 01

The Bible's Grand Claim

Session 02

Jesus and Me

Session 03

Picturing the Christian Life

Review the materials:

Before you start meeting, get familiar with the BetterMan Explore videos and discussion questions. This preparation will help you feel equipped, confident, and the sessions go more smoothly.


Invite a man, or a few men, from your BetterMan Group interested in personal, spiritual guidance to meet with you. You are asking them for a 3-week commitment.

Set a meeting time:

Set a time and private place to meet. Make sure you have Bibles, a TV or computer screen to play the video sessions, and the BetterMan Explore Workbook for you and your group members.

Pray before each session:

Pray that each man’s heart is touched by the Spirit of God. Pray for spiritual impact and perhaps, for his salvation. Pray God will give you wisdom and words in leading each session.

Meet for 3 weeks:

Plan for 90 minutes for each BetterMan Explore Session. This will include some fellowship time at the beginning (~5 minutes), showing the video (~40 minutes), discussion time (~40 minutes), and a wrap-up time (~5 minutes). Your discussion time is very important. If it needs to go longer, let it. Why? Because this is where the information delivered from the video teaching gets personalized and applied into the hearts of the men of your group. So, if more time in a session is needed than 40 minutes, take it!


How much does BetterMan Explore cost?

All BetterMan materials are free of charge. 

Do I have to do BetterMan Explore with someone from my BetterMan 11-week group study?

You can, but it’s flexible. We do recommend that men participating in BetterMan Explore have completed the BetterMan 11-week Core Study.

How do I find a mentor to lead the study?

Asking a mentor who  led your BetterMan 11-week Study is a great place to start! If they are unavailable, you can always ask another Christian man grounded in their faith or your local church if they know of someone who’d be interested. 

How do I find a mentee interested in participating?

Asking a participant from your BetterMan 11-week Study is a great place to start! If none are interested (which is rare), you can also lead another group through the BetterMan 11-week Study instead.

Can more than one participant join a mentor for the BetterMan Explore Study?

This study is designed for one-on-one discipleship where a trusted mentor who is grounded in his Christian faith guides a participant through the curriculum. We recommend the one-on-one model, or at most, three participants.

Do I have to complete the BetterMan 11-week Study before starting BetterMan Explore?

We strongly recommend starting with the BetterMan Core 11-week Study before beginning BetterMan Explore


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