BetterMan Defined

A Real Man Loves and Protects God's Woman
Speaker option 1
Chris Harper
Chris Harper [aka Harp] is a speaker, writer, and disciple-maker serving as the CEO of BetterMan. Equipping more than 2500+ churches and 300,000+ men, BetterMan is calling the Church back to men.
Chris is passionate about biblical manhood, and often speaks on topics such as a man’s identity in Christ and the importance of being a gospel-centered husband and father. Chris desires to see generations of men grasp who they are in Christ and come alive! Chris received his Masters degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and his Doctorate from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Chris and his wife, Ally, live with their four children - Scarlett, Malachi, Calvin, and Oliver - in Arlington, Texas. In addition to his family, Chris loves a pick-up basketball game, a good cheeseburger, and firmly believes Jordan is better than Lebron.
Speaker Option 2
Bryan Hurlbutt

Since 2004, Bryan has been the lead and founding pastor of Lifeline Community in West Jordan, Utah, where his mission has been to cultivate holistic disciples of Christ with lives of passionate engagement and intellectual depth. He has discipled men for over 20 years, teaching from an authentic place where his own story fits into God’s grand story.
In addition to pastoring, Bryan teaches and writes on a wide range of topics, including theology, worldview and discipleship. His book, “Tasty Jesus: Liberating Christ from the Power of Our Predilections,” equips believers to respond to the distortions of Christ created by the personal tastes of our culture that conflict with the Bible and historic Christian orthodoxy. He also published “Cohort: Forming a Legion of Disciples in the Local Church” to teach church leaders effective strategies for developing discipleship structures and curriculum.

He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Talbot School of Theology and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Bryan is joined in life and ministry by his best friend and wife of over 25 years, Jennifer. Together, they have poured their lives into three beautiful and precious daughters: Brynne, Reghan and Tierney.

Speaker Option 2
Kyle Reno

Kyle has a deep desire to be a part of a movement marked by men embracing their role in the story of God. His passion for ministry was shaped when he came to Christ at 19 through the investment of his baseball coach and a local church in Gardendale, AL.

In addition to working with the BetterMan Team, Kyle serves as the Senior Pastor at Crossgates Church in Brandon, MS, a multiplying church family with prayer-filled dreams of playing a part in the coming move of God across America.

Kyle and his incredible wife, Katie, have been blessed with four sons and one daughter.

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Download the full Defined Woman workbook here