
Year End Wisdom, Part 1

Written by Chris Harper | Dec 23, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Over the next few weeks, as we enter the New Year, I will share some wisdom, guidance, quotes, and thoughts I've gleaned over the last year [2024]—wisdom, guidance, quotes, and thoughts from men I trust.

I reached out to a handful of men who influenced me this year and asked them to answer two questions:

1. One thing God revealed to you from His Word this year…

2. One phrase/quote/bit of wisdom you learned this year that you want to pass on to others…

Some of these men are nationally known. Some you will never hear of. Some are very successful entrepreneurs and leaders who influence their industries. Others are modern-day pirates who wrestle to make ends meet. Some shepherd large, noteworthy churches, preaching and teaching thousands every week. Others preach to their tens of people, just as caring, just as skilled, just as worthy.

However, no matter their background, two things ring true: they love King Jesus and are men of integrity. I'd follow each of them into a burning building.

Their responses are below. I pray their wisdom proves helpful as you strive to betterlove God and others in 2025.


Thoughts on Community

Community… I have seen so clearly this year how important it is to have strong, healthy, active relationships with other believers daily, weekly, and monthly. To have that spoken and unspoken accountability and encouragement is immeasurable.

Quote from Dr. Henry Cloud:

"As you grow, your relationships should too. It's normal to outgrow people who no longer support your journey. Letting go is part of creating space for connections that truly help you thrive. Just like you won't always be friends with the people you grew up with, you can also outgrow adult friendships and relationships. We all grow in different ways. Sometimes, you realize where you might have been on the same path once, you aren't anymore."

Thoughts on Wisdom

During our Proverbs series, digging into Solomon's request of God as he steps into the kingdom's leadership... We typically say, "He asked for wisdom," but the text translates that he asked for a "listening heart." In turn, God gave him the result of a listening heart: wisdom.

We all need to ask for wisdom (book of James). But wisdom is a result, not something that magically happens. We need to posture ourselves in humility, slow down, and listen more than we talk, and in those practices, God gives us more than we ask for (He gave Solomon more than he asked).

"You get the power to fulfill your calling in private (prayer, study, fasting, suffering), not in public. Too many leaders focus on public ministry at the expense of private, and long obedience in the same direction..."

Thoughts on Leadership

"Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant." — Jesus

Well done, good and faithful:









Be wary of any definition of leadership that highlights strength and confidence but not curiosity and humility.

People may follow your confidence but they will be loyal to your vulnerability. Remember:

"Leaership is failing at a rate others can absorb…"

Here's to a better, wiser new year.

- Chris Harper