Top Christian Books for Men

These book selections are some great tools for growth.

 I’m a reader. My goal is to read one book per week (though, often I fall short). I agree with Steinbeck, “there are never enough books…” 

I'm a reader. My goal is to read one book weekly (though I often fall short). I agree with Steinbeck, "There are never enough books…" 

The best thing about a book is that it will keep you humble. Reading helps me see that all these original thoughts of mine aren't very original after all. There is nothing new under the sun, and all the truth, wisdom, insight, and encouragement you need can be found in a book (or THE Book, for that matter)! 

Yet, as old as books are, a book can possess a novel spirit (see what I did there)—a book can take you to new places, give you new ideas, and bring about a newness of life. Seuss was right, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

Often, I am asked about my favorite books—or books that every man should read. Here are a few of my favs… and some books that I am currently reading: 


- JC Ryle's Thoughts for Young Men
This is one of my favorites, and it's not just for young men. Ryle's work is timeless and for every man. 

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship
Simply put, Bonhoeffer showed me how little I understood grace and how, for most of my life, I cheapened what God had done for me. This is an exceptional read. 

- RC Sproul's Holiness
Every Christian man and woman, for that matter, should read this. Often. 

David Gibson's Living Life Backward
Keeping the end in mind shapes how we live our lives here and now. Living life backward means taking the one thing in our future that is certaindeathand letting that inform our journey before we get there.  

- Howard Fast's My Glorious Brothers
It is inspiring, courageous, and the epitome of conviction and courage. Plus, the vivid imagery lights up the 400 years between Malachi and Matthew in your Bible. 

- J.I. Packer's Knowing God
More than a book, this is a vital tool to help Christians discover the wonder, the glory, and the joy of knowing God. Packer brings together two important facets of the Christian faithknowing about God and knowing God through the context of a close relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. Phenomenal.


My favorite Daily Devo…

JC Ryle's Day by Day
Biblically rich and super practical, Ryle unlocks the Gospels over 365 days. 

BetterMan's BetterMornings
A daily dose of Scripture and manhood delivered straight to your inbox. It's how every man should start his day. 


The books(s) I read to my kids…

C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia

R.C. Sproul's The Prince's Poison Cup

John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress reimagined HERE and HERE

Harp's A Good Man [Shamless Plug] 



The books(s) I am recently/currently reading…

Simmon Sinek's Infinite Game

Charles Duhigg's Supercommunicators

Morgan Housel's Same as Ever

Bono's Surrender

Nancy Pearcey's Toxic War on Masculinity

Austin Kleon's How to Steal Like an Artist

Happy reading!

Chris Harper