The Forge

At BetterMan we believe discipleship is key. In the new movie, The Forge, you'll see discipleship in action on the big screen. It's coming to theatres August 23.

"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" Matthew 28:18-20

I recently read that "[Deep] discipleship involves five key elements found in the New Testament: time, habit, community, intimacy, and instruction."

I am always looking for people/churches/practices who 'get' discipleship. Recently, I previewed a movie that was the picture [pun intended] of discipleship. The film is called THE FORGE. My friend Priscilla Shirer is in it, and she crushes it. The movie is the heart project of the Kendrick brothers, masters of their craft whose influence runs deep in the Church and the culture at large.

THE FORGE is a powerful illustration and reminder that discipleship matters. And it shows what happens when one man aims his time, habit, community, intimacy, and instruction at another man. Lives change.

Check out the preview below and read what Priscilla and the Kendrick Brothers say about discipleship. Also, buy some tickets. We are putting discipleship on the big screen and the hearts and minds of millions.

Today, 41% of young men grew up without a dad in the home, and many more grew up without spiritual fathers. We have a generation of young men who want to be good men; they just don't know how. THE FORGE is about more than discipleship, it's about hope for generations to come.

"When Jesus says, 'If you want to be my disciple, deny yourself, take up your cross, follow me.' Salvation n is a gift. Discipleship will cost you. But what can be better than discipleship? To know our savior more deeply, to know Him more intimately." — Alex Kendrick, Director / Co-Writer

"In WAR ROOM, we saw a beautiful picture of discipleship and mento ring. Discipleship is one life rubbing up against another life for the purpose of steering that life towards maturity in Christ. We see that modeled so beautifully in the scriptures when Jesus Himself drew people close to Him." — Priscilla Shirer, "Cynthia" / "Elizabeth"

"I believe the church right now in this generation needs to "get back to what Je" us did "ith" his disci "le"… people want living, day-to-day relationships. Discipleship is really about helping people know God and to have a personal daily walk in a relationship with Him." — Stephen Kendrick, Producer / Co-Writer